Calling all travelers, you are not going to want to miss out on this. We offer a range of treats to combat that sweet tooth!
We know all about those road trip cravings. One of our favourite parts of traveling was stopping at local shops to grab some lollies.
At Laguna Village Providore we are creating the ultimate road tripper dream stop! If you are on a weekend trip through Hunter Valley, make sure to sneak in and get your fix!
We have a massive range of lollies on offer. Chocolate covered things, sour lollies, even some that are completely handmade by local here in the valley.
If you're looking for a box, we do offer gift packs for you to take with you and we can always arrange something if you are wanting to stock more.
Grazing Platters
Fruit Platters
Chees Platters
Sweets Platters
All platters are customizable and can suit any dietary requirements.
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